What Size Are Deck Boards?

What Size Are Deck Boards?

Choosing the right size for your deck boards is more than a matter of personal preference—it's a crucial decision that affects the aesthetics, functionality, and longevity of your outdoor living space. The size and type of deck boards you select can dramatically alter the appearance and performance of your deck, making it essential to understand the options available. 

Understanding Deck Board Dimensions

Deck boards come in various widths, thicknesses, and lengths, each suited to different design needs and aesthetic choices. 

  • The most common widths are 4 inches, 6 inches, and occasionally 8 inches. 
  • Thickness typically ranges from 1 inch for a lighter, less costly option to 2 inches for added durability and strength. 
  • As for length, deck boards are usually available from 8 feet to 20 feet. 

The size you choose can depend on the area of your deck and the layout you envision. For example, longer boards can provide a cleaner look with fewer joints, which is often desirable in modern deck designs.

Factors Influencing Deck Board Size Selection

Choosing the right deck board size involves several considerations, each impacting the final look and function of your deck:

Aesthetic Appeal:

The width of the deck boards can significantly influence the deck's overall appearance. Wider boards tend to give a more robust and smoother look, which is popular in contemporary designs, while narrower boards are often used for traditional or patterned designs.

Deck Size and Layout: 

The dimensions of your deck itself play a crucial role. Larger decks may look better with wider and longer boards to reduce the number of seams and enhance the feeling of openness. Conversely, smaller decks or those with lots of corners and angles might benefit from narrower boards to accommodate the intricate layout.

Material Types: 

The type of material you choose also affects the available sizes. Natural woods like cedar and redwood offer different dimensional options than composite materials. Each material brings its characteristics, benefits, and limitations. Therefore careful consideration is required before choosing between wood versus composite decking.

Learn more: Benefits and Problems with PVC Decking: A Comprehensive Overview

Popular Deck Board Sizes and Their Uses

When selecting deck boards for your project, understanding how different sizes are commonly used can guide your decision. Here are a few popular choices:

6-inch wide boards: 

These are the most commonly used sizes for residential decks. They offer a balance between aesthetics and practicality, providing enough surface area to walk comfortably while maintaining a manageable weight for installation. For example, Arca Construction has utilized 6-inch boards extensively in projects like the Sunset Ridge Deck, where the balance between board width and deck size creates a harmonious outdoor space.

4-inch wide boards: 

Ideal for more intricate designs or for decks that feature a lot of angles and curves. These boards are often chosen for their traditional appearance, echoing the style of classic wooden ship decks. They can be particularly appealing in smaller garden decks or in spaces that aim for a detailed aesthetic.

8-inch wide boards: 

These are less common but can be very effective in large open areas, as they reduce the number of seams and create a bold, clean look. They're also useful in high-traffic areas, as fewer seams mean fewer trip hazards and a sturdier feel underfoot.

Each size serves different purposes and settings, and the choice often comes down to the specific needs and preferences of the homeowner. Moreover, if you want to install composite decking with hidden fasteners in the future, the size of the boards can affect the process.

Tips for Choosing the Right Deck Board Size

Selecting the right deck board size is crucial for your deck's functionality and longevity. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:

  • Consider the scale of your deck: The size of your boards should complement the size of your deck. Larger decks can handle larger board widths without looking disproportionate, while smaller decks might be overwhelmed by wide boards.
  • Think about maintenance: Wider boards may be easier to maintain because they have fewer gaps and joints where debris can accumulate. However, they are also more susceptible to warping and other weather-related issues if not properly treated and installed.
  • Factor in your budget: Larger and thicker boards are generally more expensive, not only due to more material but also because they can require more structural support depending on the deck design. Balance your aesthetic desires with your budget to find the best fit for your project.


Choosing the right deck board size is a critical decision that affects every aspect of your deck, from how it looks to how it performs over time. By considering the factors of aesthetic appeal, deck layout, and material type, you can select the size that best fits your vision and functional needs.

Ready to Build Your Dream Deck? Contact Us Today!

Ready to choose the perfect deck board size for your beautiful new deck? Contact Arca Construction today for a personalized consultation. Our experts are here to help you every step of the way, ensuring that your deck not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Reach out to us by email or call us. Let's build the deck of your dreams together!